May 17, 2006
Proud Pets for Pride
Every single year you go off to the Pride Parade and leave Snookums behind. The tail wags, the eyes shine, but you don't think it's a great idea to bring your dog to the parade. This year is different- this year Snookums might get to be on a float of his own! Rubyfruit Bar Grill and Doggie Empire are sponsoring the first ever Proud Pet float.
On June 17th, bring your dog to the Rubyfruit Bar Grill, 531 Hudson Street at 2 pm, and enter your pooch in the Proud Pet Parade contest. Out of 100 contestants, 20 dogs will be picked by a panel of amateur judges. Three of the dog dogs will be crowned. (C'mon, don't you want Linus to have his own Tiara!?!)
The 20 winners will ride, bark, woof, and play on the RubyFruit and Doggie Empire sponsored float during Gay Pride Parade on June 25, 2006, and the $20 entry fee goes to the New York City based Woof Dog Rescue.
Woof Dog Rescue is a small organization that rescues dogs off the streets. They work hard in saving and rehabilitating homeless dogs. Woof also holds informational and social events for concerned animal lovers. Because they don't have a central shelter and are completely volunteer run, they rely completely on donations.
To learn more about Doggie Empire and Ruby Fruit, check out their websites; and
Get your pooch's coat glossy, make sure his smile is bright, and don't forget his nails! This year you can wrap a rainbow bandana around her neck and take her to the parade. Just don't forget the dog treats, or she won't let you back in the house.
PJ Gach is a Contributing Writer for the Style & Entertainment Sections of the EDGE group of publications.She also freelances for PJ has styled, shot and written fashion pieces for PJ writes about beauty, fashion, and lifestyle topics for national publications. As an entertainment/rock journalist her pieces have appeared in the US and Europe, including The New York Post, Rolling Stone (web & mag), Ing?nue Magazine and Drill magazine. She's a Manhattanite, a proud dog owner, gal about town, and freelance writer. In her spare time, she rescues orphaned shoes. You can reach her at