DTX Marks The Spot For Boston's Most Talked About Cocktail Destination


In most hotels, the lobby bar acts as a central meeting point, a quick stopover for guests on their way out for a night on the town. But at The Godfrey Hotel, in Boston's burgeoning Downtown Crossing (DTX) neighborhood, the lobby bar has become a destination in its own right for neighborhood tastemakers and Boston's LGBT community.

This is all due to the inviting disposition of Alejandro Alvarez, lead bartender at The Godfrey Hotel. A 10-year hospitality expert, entrepreneur and founder of his own elite event planning firm, The Event Society, he is also the creator of over 200 exclusive cocktails. Alejandro mastered his trade working behind the bar at some of Boston's most acclaimed restaurants. We asked him to tell us what makes the bar scene at The Godfrey so unique.

"Working at a restaurant bar, there is more of a neighborhood feeling to the clientele. You get to know people and build lasting friendships with guests. At The Godfrey, you get that same feeling from the regulars who work and live in the neighborhood. Yet, with the hotel, you also get to meet new people every day from all over the world. I've never experienced diversity like that before."

Boston's bar culture is all about meeting unexpected strangers, that feeling of being able to head over to the bar by yourself and feel welcomed. It's that sense of connection and the outgoing personality of great bartenders that makes all the difference, Alejandro explained.

For out-of-town guests, Alejandro acts more like an orchestra conductor or an ambassador to the city, using his expertise and connections to direct Godfrey clientele to other local restaurants, bars and shops to provide his patrons with the best possible Boston experience. This fall, The Godfrey is adding to those experiences with special Halloween and OctoberFest events featuring memorable cocktails and other promotional events at the lobby bar. It's exclusive promotions like this along with Alejandro's own innovative flair with a cocktail shaker that have made the lobby bar at The Godfrey Hotel Boston the destination.

Alejandro ecstatically mentions, "People love the place." Suitably so, many stop by to see him, whether they are former clients of his or returning guests of the hotel. Either way, once you've been to The Godfrey, it's fairly certain that Alejandro will give you plenty of reasons to come back again!

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