Best Selling Book Renews Harry Potter Panic Among the Religious Right


Harry Potter-hating has been a long time-honored conservative Christian tradition that continues today. With the recent release of the script for the London West End uber hit "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" has come a renewal to brand the top seller as the work of the devil.

In a recent poll taken by Christian Broadcasting Network, 90�percent of responders felt that Christians should not be joining in the Harry Potter fanfare.

CBN spoke with Christian author Richard Abanes, who expressed concern that reading Harry Potter books would only lead to more reading.

"if you go to something like Harry Potter, you can find references to astrology, clairvoyance, and numerology," Abanes explained. "It takes seconds to go into a bookstore or library and get books on that and start investigating it, researching it, and doing it."

"In fact, that's why real Wiccans, real witches, and real occultists are using the popularity of Harry Potter to lure kids toward real world occultism," he added. "They actually have advertisements for their own books that use Harry Potter as their appeal."

Responders to CBN polls expressed similar concerns.

One poll participant, David-Linda Harrison, wrote, "Witches, warlocks, and magic...asking for trouble...our pastor says when you expose yourself to these things you invite demons into your life."

"This shouldn't even be discussed or debated on. Harry Potter is demonic!" wrote another poll participant.

Another wrote: "The enemy tries to make things seem fun and harmless...but on the other side....!!! Don't fall for it!!"

There were, however a few respondents who seemed to have a saner approach to the issue.

"I have seen the movies and bought this book," wrote one respondent. "I like the lessons it has in it and friendships. I am a believer and as one this subject does not take that away from me. I am not making potions or casting spells. If so I would be a very weak Christian. With that being said there are far more serious books and games out there that should not be played. I would worry more about someone playing Ouija and bringing real demons to there homes then someone reading FICTION."

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