Philly FIGHT Celebrates Natl. Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day


Philadelphia FIGHT will acknowledge National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day with a community health fair on Saturday, March 5 from 12 - 3 p.m. at Gathers Recreation Center, 2501-19 W. Diamond Street.

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is an annual observance to recognize the impact of HIV on women and girls. According to the Centers for Disease Control, women make up 20 percent of the new HIV infections in the United States. An estimated 88 percent of women who are living with HIV are diagnosed, but only 32 percent have the virus under control.

The event will provide women, girls, and families resources that will help prevent the spread of HIV. There will be a community fair of various health and community-based organizations. Health professionals will be also on site to answer any questions and to provide free and confidential HIV tests. There will also be good music, food, giveaways and healthy activities.

Philadelphia FIGHT is a comprehensive health services organization providing primary care, consumer education, research, and advocacy for people living with HIV/AIDS and those at high risk. FIGHT's goal is to end the AIDS epidemic within the lifetime of those currently living with HIV.

For more information, visit


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