Kim Davis: It 'Was a Joy To Be Chosen' By God


According to Kim Davis, God chose her. But who picked out her wardrobe and hairdo?

In an interview Friday with Sandy Rios on American Family Radio, Davis said that she was chosen by God to fight marriage equality, Right Wing Watch reports.

"[It] was a joy to be chosen, to make a stand and defend my God's word, the infallible word of God," she told Rios.

Davis' statement followed comments made by Rios, who told the defiant Kentucky county clerk that she was sure the almighty chose her as his vessel.

"It's interesting to me how God chose you," Rios told Davis. "Not a Sunday school teacher, not a Republican, not the standard -- this is like God, this is so like God, so he chose you."

Rios is the governmental affairs director for the SPLC-designated hate group American Family Association. She also served as president for the anti-gay hate group Concerned Women for America.

No stranger to inflammatory rhetoric, Rios made headlines in 2015 when she blamed an Amtrak train derailment in Philadelphia on the fact that the engineer on duty was gay.

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