Ind. Christian Pizza-Makers Make $500K in Donations


How do you make a half a million over night? In the case of one anti-gay marriage family from Indiana, it was as simple as saying the dumbest thing possible on TV. But an amendment to the state's "religious objections" law will ensure if you're gay and on a budget, you can have Christian-made pizzas at your wedding.

The owners of the Indiana pizzeria who (without any intended irony) stated during a television interview that they planned to avail themselves of the "protections" of the state's then un-amended Religious Freedom Restoration Act by denying gay couples the opportunity of having pizza at their weddings, have once again found themselves in the headlines - this time over a financial windfall they're enjoying from thousands of anti-gay supporters.

Comments made by Kevin and Crystal O'Connor, owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana, led to a backlash on social media that forced the proprietors of the small business to shut down their Facebook page and briefly close the doors of their business. It also led the pair to a phone interview with conservative news host Dana Loesch on Glenn Beck's online outlet "The Blaze" Thursday.

"I don't know if we will re-open, or if we can, if it's safe to re-open," Crystal O'Connor said in response to a leaded question by Loesch. "We're in hiding basically, staying in the house."

To assist the O'Connors with the financial hardship of having to close the doors of their business for two days, Loesch set up a GoFundMe page.

"Nobody should ever have to suffer or suffer alone for their faith, for standing up for Christian principles," Loesch said.

Suffering, however, has proved to be extremely lucrative for the O'Connors. In one day, over 17,000 supporters of their anti-gay marriage views have flocked to Loesch's GoFundMe page to donate over $500,000.

Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed an amendment to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Thursday that prohibits service providers like the O'Connors from refusing to provide goods, services, facilities or accommodations based on race, color, religion, ancestry, age, national origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or U.S. military service.

Hallelujah! The gay couples of Walkerton will no longer live in fear of being pizza-less for their weddings. Oh happy day.


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