Harlem Hate Pastor Claims Justin Bieber Cut Off His Breasts


And all this time we thought that photoshop was used to make his tits look bigger.

The anti-gay pastor who came to national attention over a series of heinous inflammatory messages posted on the sign outside of his Harlem church, claiming that "Obama has released the homo demons," now says Justin Bieber is transgender and the president is to "blame."

Rev. James David Manning of the ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem is no stranger to controversy over the outrageous anti-LGBT statements he makes on a regular basis. These statements have run the gamut from calling on all gays and lesbians to be stoned to death to his assertion that Starbucks puts semen in their coffee to make it taste better.

But last Friday, Manning took to his YouTube channel to call out President Barack Obama and other leaders for encouraging children to become transgender.

"They (transgender youth) can be led to have operations like Justin Bieber," Manning said. "They can think that the best choice for their life is to cut off their breasts, and go through this period that's so pervasive in television and everywhere else, and then by the time they reach the age of 20 years old, they look and say: 'I wish I had never cut off my breasts. I wish I had never mutilated my flesh. I wish I had never mutilated my penis. I wish I had not done that. I was just young, and the people in the church or the people in the media said or gave the impression that I had the right to choose any sexual orientation that I wanted to choose, and so I cut off my penis, or I cut off my breasts, but now I'm 20 years and I wish that I hadn't done that.'"

Manning then threw down a gauntlet.

"I will chase every sodomite, I will chase every lesbo, I will chase every political leader with the power of God, with the chariots of fire, that these children be not misled by people in congregations, and people in business or in politics like Obama, that are influencing these children to throw their lives away the way Justin Bieber threw his life away," he said.


Host of the weekly YouTube series "The Manning Report," Rev. Manning holds a "Doctor of Philosophy" degree from his own ATLAH Theological Seminary, an uncredited school. Prior to becoming a "man of God," Manning was a career criminal responsible for burglarizing as many as 100 homes between 1969 and 1974; mostly on Long Island. He spent several years in prison, where in a recent interview with The Young Turks, he confessed to having homosexual urges.

"I spent three and a half years in prison, and I tell you that I saw a lot of that activity going on in prison," Manning said. "It was just the order of the day, par for the course. ...�I was tempted, but I didn't yield to temptation."

Uh huh.


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