Bye Bye Bryan Fischer: Hate Group Fires Chief Mouthpiece

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) designated anti-gay hate group American Family Association (AFA) getting soft on hate?

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow broke the news Wednesday evening that Bryan Fischer, AFA's spokesman and director of issue analysis, has been fired by the hate group over the recent controversy over a trip to Israel sponsored by AFA, involving 60 members of the Republican National Committee.

According to Maddow, AFA President Tim Wildmon dismissed Fischer as "just a talk show host" who no longer has any official association with AFA. When Maddow asked Wildmon what specifically bothered him about Fischer he said "the soundbite quotes, you know, the Hitler and the homosexuality one... we reject that."

Before any Fischer haters start doing a victory lap, it's important to note that although he has been fired as the hate group's official spokesperson and director of issue analysis (whatever that is), he will still be spewing his hate on the airwaves as a radio host for the organization.

"Don't believe everything you hear! I'll be on air same time tomorrow as always 1-3 p.m. CT, on . Tune in!" Fischer tweeted Wednesday evening.

The AFA was recently placed in the hot seat when Israeli agency Haaretz reported that 168 members of the RNC were invited to Israel on a trip paid for by the hate group. Some 60 members have RSVP'd and will be traveling to Israel on AFA's dime for the one week trip that begins Saturday January 31.

"Given the AFA's public statements - including the false contention that gay men were responsible for the Holocaust, an idea undoubtedly offensive to Israelis - political leaders should not lend the prestige of their office to this event or to this organization," SPLC President Richard wrote to RNC officials in a letter asking them not to take part in the trip.

Cohen's letter went on to outline several of Fischer's more outrageous anti-LGBT and racist statements including his support of Uganda's "kill the gays" bill and his statement that African Americans "rut like rabbits."

"Given that the disease of anti-Semitism is flaring throughout the world, we certainly understand your desire to show your commitment to Israel at this time," Cohen wrote to RNC members. "But accepting funding from an extremist group like the AFA would make a mockery of that commitment and legitimize its extremism."

by Bobby McGuire

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