Santa Fe Elects First Out Mayor

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Voters from Santa Fe, N.M., elected the city's first openly gay mayor Tuesday, the Santa Fe New Mexican reports.

Javier Gonzales, a 47-year-old vice president of a commercial real estate firm, started his career in politics two decades ago as a county commissioner, and more recently served as chairman of New Mexico's Democratic Party. The Santa Fe New Mexican called his mayoral campaign "sophisticated" and reports that it included "more than 70 house parties and eight community conversations that drew huge crowds."

"This campaign was never about me. It was about us," Gonzales, with his two daughters and other family members, told a cheering crowd of supporters Tuesday at the Hotel Santa Fe. "I stand before you humbled. I stand you before standing on the shoulders of people like Mayor Coss and my father and so many who have been before in this position to say that I am ready to accept the responsibility and the honor of being your mayor," he said, referring to outgoing Mayor David Coss and his father, former Mayor George Gonzales.

Gonzales is the city's first openly gay mayor and will preside over a City Council, which has two out members: mayoral opponent Patti Bushee and newly elected Signe Lindell.

According to the Albuquerque Journal, Gonzales is New Mexico's first openly gay mayor. The newspaper also notes that Bushee has been out since she entered the political world and Gonzales announced he was gay last year.

Gonzalzes will be inaugurated Monday.

Watch a short clip of Gonzales celebrating his win below:

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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