'DOMA 2: The Tea Party's Revenge' Introduced by Cruz and Lee

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

The State Marriage Defense Act, a piece of legislation that could easily be called "DOMA 2 - the Sequel," was introduced in the U.S. Senate Thursday by Republican Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah.

Under the proposed bill, the federal government would only be able to recognize same-sex marriages that are conducted in the state where the married couple lives.

"In United States v. Windsor, the Supreme Court improperly held Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) to be unconstitutional," reads a statement released by Senator Cruz's office Thursday. In the statement, the Tea Party darling of the Lone Star state goes on to say:

"It is clear the Obama administration finds the principles of federalism inconvenient in its effort to force states to redefine the institution of marriage. The State Marriage Defense Act provides an important protection for states, respecting the right to choose for themselves how each will treat the institution of marriage under the law."

This new Cruz/Lee bill bears a striking resemblance to a bill written by SPLC designated hate group the Family Research Council which was introduced into the House of Representatives by Rep Randy Weber, also from Texas.

A statement from Family Research Council president Tony Perkins that JoeMyGod points out, was coincidentally released at the same time as the Cruz/Lee bill.

It reads:

"After a series of federal agency actions undermining state laws on marriage, we are pleased that Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are stepping in to make sure the federal government respects state marriage laws. We appreciate their leadership in introducing a bill that would resolve much of the legal chaos that has been unleashed by the Obama administration since the Supreme Court's marriage ruling last summer."

Announcement of the bill is drawing fire on Senator Cruz's Facebook page from people on all sides of the issue.

"The only thing I disagree with Cruz and Lee on. I feel the government should get out of marriage and if two adults of the same sex want to form a union or "marriage," they should get the same legal benefits I will get once I marry my fianc�. If a church does not want to perform a same-sex marriage that is their right."

"If the majority of the people vote for something, the government local or federal has no right to come and change the people's choice. If the people vote against gay rights then it should be law. Period."

"Senator, please focus on issues that are more pressing. Like our debt, the ACA, The 2nd Amendment, FREEDOM from government. This kind of thing is killing Conservatives."

"You do understand that the presidential election is determined by swing voters that believe in marriage equality. Way to go fool, looks like Hillary for 2016 because you couldn't concentrate on real issues like jobs and civil rights."

The bill currently has no co-sponsors.

by Bobby McGuire

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