Former Philadelphia Promoter is Latest Victim of Anti-Gay Violence in NYC

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 1 MIN.

NYC's hate crime spree continued last night when former Philadelphia club promoter Dan Contarino was jumped, kicked and beaten in the East Village by an attacker who shouted anti-gay epithets.

As reported by Bruce Yelk on "Dan Contarino, former promoter of Shampoo Nightclub's "Shaft" Fridays, was jumped last night at Avenue D & 4th Street. Allegedly, witnesses are reporting the assailant was yelling "f*ggot" as he was kicking and beating Dan. Neighbors rushed to Dan's aid and chased after the attacker but unfortunately he got away. The police are investigating the assault now and have not determined it a hate crime."

On his facebook page, Contarino wrote "THANKS FOR CALLS.... GAY BASHED LAST NITE.... back from small surgery.... CHEST XRAYS THIS AM.... suspect still at large... police n media waiting to interview me... U JUST WANNA CRY N MOVE ON...." and later posted, "UGH.... THIS IS JUST AS BRUTAL AS the ATTACK.... 3 hours... 8 detective interviews... now waiting for Hate Crimes Unit main interview... THEN BACK TO HOSPITAL...."

Contarino's attack is the latest incidence of violence against the gay community that has been plaguing New York City in recent weeks. Last night, May 20, thousands of protesters took to the streets of Greenwich Village to protest the rash of hate crimes against NYC's gay community this month.

by Bobby McGuire

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