XXX Boys :: 'Muscle Twink' Turk Mason returns to porn stardom

BeBe Sweetbriar READ TIME: 9 MIN.

When you think of someone being 27 years old, you don't usually think of words like retirement or comeback. Those words, though, do apply to porn star (born again) Turk Mason.

Turk started doing porn over 8 years ago and decided to retire from the adult film industry a couple of times only to return to it. This time around, you may notice a bit more maturity in his look and swagger as he joins forces with a revamped adult male enterprise CockyBoys, which is destined to make his porn career shine brighter than ever.

I caught up with Turk just as he was about to start filming on CockyBoys' latest project in New York for a conversation about his many retirements, his projects and work outside of the adult film industry, what drives his comebacks and whether he likes being a twink.

Getting his name

BeBe: Who was the film company you filmed your first film for?

Turk Mason: Boyride, which is no longer in business, was the first porn company I filmed for. It was also the first time I had had sex with a guy, ever.

BeBe: So, not only were you doing your first porn film at 18, you got your first same sex experience in a porn film?

Turk Mason: I did! I wound up dating my on-screen film partner for the next 5 years.

BeBe: Wow, that's kind of interesting! But, it beats worrying about whether you would have to explain to your boyfriend about doing porn since he does it too.

Turk Mason: (Laughs)

BeBe: Now, Turk, I got my drag name from watching an episode of "Will & Grace" where they were discussing how you come up with your porn name. You know, you take the first pet name you can remember and the first street you lived on that you remember? How did you come up with the name Turk Mason?

Turk Mason: Well, my original porn name was Turk Melrose. I had lived on Melrose Court. Turk, I had always had this thing for "T" names like Trent and Turk and Topher. No one had Turk, and to this day no one does I don't think, so I went with that. Then when I started doing films for bigger companies than for the dinky ones in the beginning, Chi Chi LaRue (Channel 1 Releasing) did not like my name. So, she gave me a few options and Mason was the one I took.

Muscle twink

BeBe: I guess with your body frame being smaller than most, you would be considered a twink by most porn standards. Do you like that word and classification?

Turk Mason: I don't like classifications, in general. But I'm okay with it. I'm like a muscle twink because I'm thin and toned. Being my body type has made it easy for me to work with all different types of porn companies.

BeBe: So, it has hasn't hindered you at all? Because I know there are some gay porn companies who considered themselves to be a man's man porn company and are pretty specific in the type of adult films that they do. But you haven't experienced a problem?

Turk Mason: No, not really.

BeBe: After a couple of years of doing porn, you actually retired or took a break from doing films. What was your reasons for leaving the industry? And then, why did you return?

Turk Mason: I actually retired twice (laughs). I think every porn star retires every six months or so, and then get back into it. I retired 3 years ago, and that was when I was with my ex- (boyfriend). We were trying to settle down and have a normal life, but then we broke up, and I came back and started my website ( Then I decided I wanted to go back to school, and did that. When I graduated, I got a job in what I went to school for and decided that porn wasn't necessary anymore. But I ended up hating it. Working a regular 9-5 type of job is not really for me. So I split my time in half and started doing porn again as well.

The Casting Couch

BeBe: Now, you say you went to school. Was that for you to become certified as an aesthetician?

Turk Mason: Yes, it was.

BeBe: Is that something you decided to set yourself up with for after you completely retire from porn? I mean, I could see a Turk Mason skin care product line in your future.

Turk Mason: (laughing real hard) I don't know about that!

BeBe: Come on! Wouldn't it be nice to have a legit "facial" by Turk Mason that doesn't include sperm?

Turk Mason: The Nakkid name I really like. I think Nakkid is a good skin care line name as well. I've always wanted to use that for something. It originally came about because I'm writing a book called "Nakkid Youth" as well.

BeBe: Interesting! What will be the content of the book?

Turk Mason: Well, when I first started the website, I received an offer to write a book. It is about my life. I can read you some of the chapter titles I think are fun. There's "Dysfunction Junction" that talks about my family life. Fantastic (laughs).

Then there's "Casting Couch" which deals with a lot of things behind the scenes in porn making that people don't talk about. "Why You Can't Have Nice Things" is the chapter about my ex- (boyfriend). And then I have "Little Black Book" which will go into all the random people I have had sex with, on and off camera. I think they will be surprised by all of them.


BeBe: Oh, a little name dropping, huh? Is the "Little Black Book" chapter your homage to Heidi Fleiss?

Turk Mason: (laughing) I suppose so!

BeBe: I think I would flip through everything and go to that chapter first.

Turk Mason: Yeah, I think that's going to be a good one. A couple of other ones (chapters) there's "Fuck My Drug" about excesses. There was a period in my life where I was very self- absorbed and obnoxious.

And then there's "Libertarianism". A libertine is a person who doesn't have any morals. Me and a couple of my close friends have that issue sometimes when it comes to relationships. But I'm working through that. That won't be true for much longer!

BeBe: Speaking of relationships, you just embarked on a new business relationship with CockyBoys. Is that an exclusive agreement?

Turk Mason: It will be. It is starting out as a six-month thing because I'm just getting back into porn. The main reason I'm working with them is because they like my new look, you know, me maturing. I love being the little twinkish, hellish dude with tattoos kind of a guy. And they are okay with that.

BeBe: What projects do you have in development with them now?

Turk Mason: We are currently shooting in New York, and we are doing their first official acting film. The project is called "Name of the Game." I play an art buyer guy who is too busy to have a relationship or sex, so I order my "entertainment" in. There will be a big orgy scene as well. A lot of promotion going behind this with photo shoots and promo parties.

Good porn is art

BeBe: They seem to be very much behind you and pushing you as one of their models.

Turk Mason: They have been around a few years, but in the last two years they have changed owners and are completely redoing everything. They are taking on a completely different kind of feel. They hand picked all of their models they are using. They are really excited about the models they have chosen.

BeBe: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Do you see yourself still doing adult films, or will you make that third retirement attempt?

Turk Mason: Well, I thought 8 years (in porn) was a long time. I thought people would get over me, but they didn't. So, as long as people want to keep watching me, I'll keep doing it. I've always been doing other jobs, like bartending and more recently aesthetics. But I want to also go on for more schooling. I want to get into massage, nutrition and personal training, you know, everything about "you". Maybe become like a life coach.

BeBe: Sounds like a Turk Mason spa in the making.

Turk Mason: That would be fun!

BeBe: Well, tell me Turk, what would you like people to know about you that they might find surprising?

Turk Mason: I really like artsy shit. I like to make things a lot, whether it be a collage, or a lamp, or a weird figurine for my room. I like taking one thing and turning into something else.

I definitely think good porn is an art, so I guess I like artsy shit, too. I sincerely hope this is the last time for at least many years that we have to address the issue of retirement for Turk Mason because I don't think the gay public libido can do without him again. Or was I speaking about my own wishes and desires? Only I know that one!

Turk Mason will be hosting at Splash Bar in New York City with other models of CockyBoys on Saturday, November 19.

Find out more about Turk Mason on these websites: and

by BeBe Sweetbriar

Based out of San Francisco, BEBE SWEETBRIAR is the Omni Present Drag Chanteuse. As an entertainer and hostess, BeBe can be scene every week hosting and performing at countless events and parties in the San Francisco. One of the few drag personalities to sing live while performing, BeBe has literally graced every notable stage in San Francisco, bridging many gay sub-community gaps. She has also been the opening act for Destiny's Child Kelly Rowland, "Ugly Betty's" Alec Mapa and Dance Diva Kristine W. Adding recording artist to her list of performance accomplishments in 2008 with the release of her first single "Save Me", Ms. Sweetbriar will soon release her fifth dance single in 2012 called "Show It Off"..
As an actress, BeBe was introduced to film with a lead role in the independent film "Under One Sun" with her character dealing with religious, racial and gender issues. Additionally, she appeared in the campy musical "Devious, Inc" (Australian Film Festival, San Francisco Short Film Fest) also adding additional vocals to the musical soundtrack. Both of these performances led to her selection for a lead role in Aisha Media's next short film series, "" to be released in 2012.

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