MassResistance Backs 'Pro-Family' Write-In for GOP Primary

Steve Weinstein READ TIME: 2 MIN.

They're baaaack. The irrepressible MassResistance is coming out strongly against the establishment candidates for governor and lieutenant governor in the Sept. 14 GOP primary.

Instead of Charlie Baker, MR is promoting Scott Lively as a write-in candidate. Lively, who lives in Springfield, according to MR, "is known as a major pro-family figure not only in the U.S. but internationally. He is an attorney, pastor (with a PhD in theology), pro-family activist, and author of several books. He also spent time as an international consultant on family issues with more than twenty years of ministry opposing the 'gay' political agenda around the world."

He also apparently has a mania for founding organizations. He has done so with ones named Abiding Truth Ministries, the Pro-Family Law Center,, and most recently the Redemption Gate Ministry Society.

MR had previously promoted Keith Davis as a write-in for lieutenant governor. MR is particularly incensed about Baker's choice of Richard Tisei as his running mate, because Tisei is openly gay. Davis lives in Holyoke (of all places!) and heads something called Faith in Action Team of Pioneer Valley.

As EDGE wrote in April, Baker's apparent traction in the polls has incensed those on the far right. Apparently ignoring the realities of Massachusetts politics or a history of politicians from Edward Brooke to Scott Brown, they've dubbed Baker and Tisei as RINOs (Republicans in Name Only).

MR has lambasted Tisei as ""probably the most left-wing Republican officeholder in Massachusetts history. He is openly homosexual and is a co-sponsor of the radical 'Transgender Rights and Hate Crimes' bill (H1728) currently in the Legislature. He strongly supports same-sex 'marriage' and voted NOT to let the people vote on it."

Tisei's further nefarious doings: "He appears in a hideous pro-homosexual 'marriage' propaganda video produced by the homosexual lobby (complete with phony statistics). He has a 100% rating by NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts and a 100% rating by Planned Parenthood. He co-sponsored the expanded buffer zone bill. He also co-sponsored the 'emergency contraception bill' that was vetoed by Gov. Mitt Romney."

by Steve Weinstein

Steve Weinstein has been a regular correspondent for the International Herald Tribune, the Advocate, the Village Voice and Out. He has been covering the AIDS crisis since the early '80s, when he began his career. He is the author of "The Q Guide to Fire Island" (Alyson, 2007).

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